If you use Oracle Application Express (APEX) API reference on SQL Developer, you may benefit from these code templates while working on a SQL Worksheet or PL/SQL Editor.
To Use It
- Use Ctrl + Space to manually activate the Completion Insight or check the automatic popup speed on Tools >> Preferences >> Code Editor >> Completion Insight
- To navigate through the parameters, use Tab to move forward or Shift + Tab to move backwards.
- Some parameters are pre-populated with their default values (if any) and others display their pre-defined possible values in /*comments*/.
To Configure It
- Download the CodeTemplate.xml that matches your current version of Oracle APEX (right now, only 18.2 is available).
- On Windows, navigate to C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer:
- If you do not have any previous Code Template defined, simply replace the existing CodeTemplate.xml file.
- If you do have Code Templates defined, copy everything between the <rows></rows> tags on this CodeTemplate.xml file and paste it at the end of your existing file, right before the closing </rows> tag.
- Restart SQL Developer.
- Go to Tools >> Preferences >> Database >> SQL Editor Code Templates and make sure all the code templates are visible.
- Go to Tools >> Preferences >> Code Editor >> Completion Insight and make sure the following options are checked:
- Enable Completion Auto-Popup in SQL Worksheet
- Enable Completion Auto-Popup in PL/SQL Editor
Please feel free to provide any feedback or suggestions on how to improve or report any bugs in the comments below.
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